How to Travel from Guangzhou to Shanghai

The distance between Guangzhou and Shanghai is about 1,500 kilometers (932 miles). As the fastest travel way from Guangzhou to Shanghai, the direct flight takes about 2.5 hours and costs CNY350 at least. High speed trains and over night normal speed trains are also in service. In addition, there are Guangzhou to Shanghai buses serving passengers every day.


1. Fastest Guangzhou to Shanghai Flight: 2.5 hours, CNY 350 – 1,900

Flight Number over 40 departures daily
Ticket Price CNY350-1,900
Duration 2.5h
Departure time 06:35 - 21:30
Dep. - Arr. Guangzhou Baiyun to Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport or Shanghai Pudong International Airport 

2. Guangzhou to Shanghai High Speed Train: 7 – 8.5 hours, CNY 793 for Second Class Seat

3 Guangzhou to Shanghai high speed trains are operated every day from Guangzhou South Railway Station to Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station. The travel distance is as long as 1,790 kilometers (1,112 miles).

Train No. Dep. - Arr. Duration
G818 08:00 – 14:48 6H48M
G1302 13:22 from Guangzhou South – 21:51 8H29M
13:45 from Guangzhou North – 21:51 8H06M
G1306 13:58 - 23:04 7H26M
 Ticket Price: CNY 793 for second class seat; CNY 1,302.5 for first class seat; CNY 2,492.5 for business class seat.
 Note: G1302 stops at both Guangzhou South and Guangzhou North.

3. Guangzhou to Shanghai Overnight Bullet Train: 11.5 hours, CNY 599 for Second Class Seat

In addition, 3 Guangzhou to Shanghai overnight bullet trains are running on every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. They all depart from Guangzhou South Railway Station to Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station. 

Train No. Dep. - Arr. Duration
D933 19:20 – 06:50 +1 11H30M
D937 19:30 – 06:55 +1 11H25M
D943 19:35 – 07:00 +1 11H25M
 Ticket Price: CNY 599 for a second class seat; CNY 830 for a soft sleeper

4. Guangzhou to Shanghai Overnight Normal Train: 16.5 – 24h, CNY 322.5 – 353 for Hard Sleeper

Except for the high speed trains, there are 4 Guangzhou to Shanghai normal speed trains available. All of them are overnight trains saving daytime for traveling and one-night hotel expense, among which 3 depart from Guangzhou Railway Station to Shanghai South Railway Station and one is operated from Guangzhou East Railway Station to Shanghai Railway Station. And it costs CNY 322.5 – 353 for hard sleeper.

Train Dep. Arr. Duration Price
K528 08:22
04:07 +1
Shanghai South
23H45M Soft Sleeper: CNY628
Hard Sleeper: CNY343
Hard Seat: CNY201
K512 07:38
07:23 +1
Shanghai South
19H45M Soft Sleeper: CNY560.5
Hard Sleeper: CNY322.5
Hard Seat: CNY189.5
T170 15:08
 08:34 +1
Shanghai South
17H26M Soft Sleeper: CNY560.5
Hard Sleeper: CNY322.5
Hard Seat: CNY189.5
Z100 18:11
Guangzhou East
10:40 +1
16H29M  Soft Sleeper: CNY640
Hard Sleeper: CNY353
Hard Seat: CNY206

5. Guangzhou to Shanghai Bus: 17 hours, CNY 540

Dep. Timetable Price
Guangdong Provincial Passenger Station 15:50, 18:00 CNY540
Tianhe Passenger Station 17:50, 18:45

 Note: The buses will make a transfer at Fuzhou.

See more:
Shanghai - Guangzhou Flights
Guangzhou to Shanghai Train

- Last updated on Jul. 23, 2024 by Serena Zhou -
Questions & Answers on How to Travel from Guangzhou to Shanghai
Asked by Rumbidzayi from ZIMBABWE | Aug. 31, 2023 03:16Reply
Is there a direct bus from Guangzhou to Shanghai?
Answers (1)
Answered by Gary | Aug. 31, 2023 19:39

There are buses from Guangzhou Provincial Long-distance Bus Station or Tianhe Bus Station to Shanghai via Fuzhou, leaving at 12:00, 15:50, 17:50, 18:00 and 18:45. Ticket fare is CNY550 and duration is around 20.5 hours.

Why don't you take a time-saving high speed train or a more comfortable sleeper train?
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